How do we live in fearful times?
Despite publishing openly and widely about so much in my life, you may notice that…
React or Respond: A Choose Your Own Adventure
So you’re at the sink, washing up the breakfast dishes when a writing idea pops…
Books Recommended by Readers
The following list is compiled from readers of my 2024 Year in Books list, which…
The Year in Books 2024
I wish I could be again the reader I was at age twelve, when each…
Creative Bypassing: Grist for the Mill
I’d like to make a confession. On Sunday mornings, I sit in church internally spinning…
A Moment that Matters
I’ve heard sculptors say that, when a piece isn’t working, the best way forward isn’t…
When the Creative Beaver Dam Bursts
Unsurprisingly, these days I’ve been pondering the word “release”. Prisoners are released from jail, butterflies…
The Courage to Ask for Help
As I begin the bizarrely self-referential work of releasing The Release, I’m test-driving the teachings I…
Here’s a peek into THE RELEASE, which comes out this October!
Your writing projects are your babies. Sometimes you dream about them before conception; sometimes they emerge…
What can dancing teach us about writing?
Do you ever feel self-conscious on the page? A shout-out to the Brevity blog for…
This Queer Divine Dissatisfaction
In preparing to launch The Release this October, I’m dizzied by the ironies of releasing a book…
Last Regrets
On a weekly basis, one client or another will tell me, “If I wind up…