Faith and Imagination

Paper Doll Spirituality

I thought of her over the long weekend without me, pouring all her energy into this paper representation of our family; I imagined her bent over the dining room table, making her passionate “I love you—I love you—I love you” into little flat people she could give hair-dos and tenderly clothe, and I saw finally how we’d each in our own ways been praying all weekend, placing our hearts into this vast, connected, and holy family.

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Faith and Fairies

“I believe in fairies,” Gwyn tells me. “Me, too,” I respond. In our house we tell stories incessantly, and they’re all true.  They began with Special Baby, Gwyn’s imaginary friend when she was two years old.  Special Baby could do everything Gwyn couldn’t, like go to the library when it was closed and eat extra

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Bucket List

A friend explained to me yesterday why she, a born-and-bred Catholic, is faithfully attending adult education classes at her UCC church, asking hard questions, giving the pastor blunt answers, and otherwise being a rabble-rouser.  “I want to know what I believe before I die,” she said.  “I don’t want simply to fall back on what

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