
Structure Discovered

The structure of a creative work is discovered, not imposed.  Consider the architect’s mantra, “Form follows function.”  A skyscraper exists because of land limitations, population density, and the nature of business relations; its inherent qualities (its purpose, its limitations) distinguish it from a bungalow or a Carnegie library.  Likewise each piece of prose has a

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Revision Guides

We can only hold so much information in our heads.  Thank goodness for paper and pen!  I am an inveterate list-maker, and offer the revision guide as a helpful tool for collecting thoughts and steering revision. The revision guide is a catch-all, holding our vision for the next draft and a list of changes that

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Others’ Eyes

The fastest way to see our writing with fresh eyes is to look through the eyes of a reader.  Established authors might profess that they don’t reveal their work to anyone until it’s done, or complain about writing workshops producing works created by consensus.  But writers who are still learning the craft need exposure to

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Revisiting the “So what?” Question

“So what?” Insidious, persistent, biting, the simple question is a brain-bug infecting every writer I’ve ever met.  It gnaws at our confidence.  It stops our pen mid-stroke.  It’s a plague infecting whole classrooms—whole cultures, even, undermining the generative instinct because it assumes a vacuous answer.  There’s no justification for creative work, it seems. And it’s

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